• Basic Tuning Package - $180. This service allows us to tune your piano and offer an overall assessment (strings, pins, hammers, etc) so you know the current condition of your piano.

    Our Premium Piano Tuning Package - $250. In addition to tuning your piano:

    • Pedal adjustments

    • Tightening of Action Bolts

    • Tightening of Piano Bench Legs

    • Deep Cleaning (inside & out) - Vacuum, Dust, Polish, Etc.

    Please be aware that pitch adjustments, when needed, will incur an additional charge (*see below).

    *If your piano has not been serviced regularly, or if it has been exposed to extreme conditions, it will most likely need an additional service called a pitch adjustment which will add to the cost of the tuning. A pitch adjustment is a rapid, rough tuning that restores the pitch of the piano to the international standard of A = 440 hz, that is, the note A above Middle C is tuned to a frequency of 440 cycles per second. This rough tuning is then immediately followed up with a fine tuning 3-4 weeks post adjustment..

    When a piano is not on pitch, it cannot be fine tuned until a pitch adjustment has been performed.

    Our standard pitch adjustment charge is $180.

  • Most of the dust and grit that collects in a piano over time ends up in places that are neither visible nor accessible to the piano owner. This dust and grit eventually works its way into the working mechanism of the piano, leading to premature wear and even bigger problems down the road.

    It is not a good idea for a piano owner to attempt to clean the inside of his or her piano. This is best left to the professional piano technician. Fragile, delicate parts are too easily mishandled, misplaced, or broken. This is why we offer a complete line of professional piano cleaning service.


    For a vertical piano (uprights and console), a complete cleaning includes:

    • Remove and clean behind all removable case parts

    • Remove action and vacuum

    • Vacuum the keyframe

    • Remove kick board and vacuum inside the belly

    • Clean keys / outer shell

    COST: Please Contact Us for Our Current Prices


    For a grand piano, a complete cleaning includes:

    • Remove and vacuum the dust out of the action and keys

    • Remove action stack and keys and vacuum key frame

    • Vacuum around the tuning pins

    • Vacuum and wipe under the strings

    • Remove dust from top surface of the soundboard

    • Remove dust from top surface of the plate

    • Remove dust from top surface of the dampers

    • Clean and lubricate (as needed) the keybed

    • Clean keys / outer shell

    • Clean pedals

    COST: Please Contact Us for Our Current Prices


    Please note that the above rates are for complete cleanings. Reduced rates are available when only a partial cleaning is needed.

  • With proper care, a piano can last a lifetime, and even longer. But as a mechanical device made up of some 9,000 to 14,000 parts, most of which are wood, your piano will occasionally need repairs. Wood parts dry out and become brittle. Felt and leather parts wear out. Strings get old, develop rust, and lose their elasticity.

    Piano Repairs at Jared’s Piano Service, we don’t just tune pianos; We offer complete piano service, which includes repairs. Our piano technician, a Certified Piano Technician, has the training, knowledge, and experience to handle just about any repair your piano may need.

    Following is a partial list of common repairs that we are able to perform:

    • Diagnose and fix sticking keys and sluggish action parts

    • Diagnose and fix “broken keys” (notes that don’t play at all)

    • Repair or replace broken strings

    • Repair or replace tuning pins that are so loose they can’t be tuned

    • Clean and twist bass strings to restore resonance

    • Repair or replace broken hammers or other broken action parts

    • Fix pedals that squeak or are not working properly

    • Replace key tops

    • Replace felt bushings on keys that have become loose and wobbly

    • Plus much more

    After performing an on-site evaluation of the piano, our technician will go over your repair options with you, giving you a written estimate of the cost.

    While many repairs can be performed on-site, occasionally it may be necessary to bring your piano’s action (the internal working mechanism of the piano) or some other component of your piano to our shop for repairs. When shop work is required, half of the estimated repair cost will be due up-front, with the remaining balance due when the job is completed.


    There is a minimum charge of $145 for a repair service call. Because many repairs do not come to $145, and because your piano most likely needs to be tuned anyway, we recommend that you add any repairs your piano may need to a tuning service call.

  • Like a smoothly running car, a piano needs more than just regular tunings to keep its thousands of parts working smoothly. As time passes, and as the piano is played, felt compresses, felt and leather parts wear, and wood parts swell and shrink with fluctuations in humidity. As this happens, critical relationships between action parts are altered and the piano does not play with the same evenness of touch that it used to.

    This is corrected through a process called regulation. Regulation involves careful and precise adjustment of the piano’s action so that every part does exactly what it is supposed to do, at the exact moment it is supposed to do it. Regulating a piano is a complicated process that requires a high level of training, skill, and experience. Not only must each process be repeated 88 times; there must also be a high level of uniformity and consistency from one note to the next.

    A well regulated piano is a joy to play because it is more responsive to the demands of the pianist.

    Symptoms that your piano may be in need of regulation include:

    • Excessive lost motion in the keys

    • A feeling of loss of power or control

    • Difficulty playing pianissimo (very soft)

    • Too much or not enough aftertouch

    • Notes that are slow to repeat when played rapidly

    • Hammers that burble when notes are played (hitting the strings multiple times)

    • Uneven key height or key dip

    Just how much regulation a piano may need and when it may need it depends on several factors. These include the make and model of the piano, the relative quality that went into the making of the instrument, the age of the piano, and the amount and type of use that the piano receives.

    For example, manufacturers of higher quality instruments (Steinway, etc) use felt that is more dimensionally stable. A high quality piano that receives moderate use will need a touch-up regulation once every three years or so. By contrast, manufacturers of lower quality instruments use cheaper felt that is not as dimensionally stable, causing these pianos to need a complete regulation after only a year or less of use.

    If your piano is in need of regulation, our technician will explain exactly what is needed and will give you a written estimate of the cost.

  • The Piano Technician’s Guild defines piano voicing as:

    “Voicing is the adjustment of a piano’s tone or quality of sound. Tone can be changed without affecting the pitch. For example, turning the bass or treble knobs on your stereo changes the tone but does not alter the notes the musician recorded. A skilled piano technician can voice a piano to change its tonal personality from mellow to bright or robust to delicate. The degree of change possible depends upon the piano’s design and condition.”

    In a piano, musical sound is produced when a felt-covered hammer strikes one or more strings that have been tuned to the correct frequency. The quality of sound produced is determined, to a large degree, by the stiffness and density of the felt on that hammer.

    Voicing, also called tone regulation, is the process of adjusting the tone of the piano. The goal is to obtain a pleasing, consistent tone quality at every possible dynamic level, from a soft and sweet pianissimo to a full and rich fortissimo. In a well regulated piano this is accomplished by careful and judicious needling of the hammers.

    Our professional and very experienced piano tuner can help your piano deliver the full, warm, rich, pleasing sound that it was designed to produce.

    Piano Voicing

    Symptoms that your piano may need voicing services include:

    • Harsh, metallic or “zinging” sounds when notes are played

    • Rapid decay in volume when notes are played and sustained, especially in the 5th and 6th octaves

    • Unevenness of tone from one note to the next

    • Difficulty achieving a soft, sweet pianissimo when desired

    If your piano just isn’t sounding like it used to, our technician will explain exactly what needs to be done and give you an estimate of the cost.

    Also, if you have an idea of the tonal quality that you would like your piano to deliver, our technician will work with you to achieve that desired sound. We are highly trained for the job.